Northwest Conference Photos

Photo Browsing and Purchasing Tips

Register and Login
We highly recommend that you register and login before you begin shopping. By registering, your Favorite photos are saved permanently so that any time you return to browse photos, all of your favorite photos and galleries are easiy accessible. Your shopping cart will also be saved for you, allowing you break away from shopping, attend to other business, and then resume with all of your settings intact.
Select your favorite photos as you browse
Many of our galleries contain hundereds of photos organized into several pages. The "Favorites" checkbox under each photo allows you to mark your favorite photos as you brows through the galleries.
View your favorites
Once you've tagged all of your favorite photos, you can view them by clicking the "Favorites" button at the top of the gallery page.
Add items to cart
Now that you have narrowed your search to a managable group of photos, purchase your "cream of the crop" by clicking the shopping cart button under each photo. This takes you to a page that will allow you to select the prints and other products for that photo. Your cart total is automatically updated as you enter quantities next to each product. When you have selected all of the products you want for that image, click the "Continue Shopping" button at the bottom of the page to return to your favorites page where you can select other photos to purchase.

* A summary of your shopping cart is shown in the left side bar. Click on any of the images in your cart summary to edit the producs you have selected for purchase.

* Items in your shopping cart are shown in a green box to make it easy for you identify.
Product Delivery
Please allow 10-14 Days for print processing and shipping. For Digital products please allow 12-48 hours for delivery to your email address – PLEASE check JUNK folder before contacting David.Willoughby@wpanetwork for status or special requests.